Work to improve safety at another four South Australian level rail crossings is about to start within weeks with funding coming from the Rudd Labor Government’s Economic Stimulus Plan.
Boom gates, bells and lights will be installed at the following locations:
- Korunye Rd, KORUNYE;
- Cameron Terrace, MALLALA;
- Wirrega North Road, WIRREGA; and
- Erith Avon Road, AVON.
The projects will be delivered by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).
All up, we allocated $13.6 million from our Boom Gates for Rail Crossings Program to upgrade safety around 34 high risk level crossings in South Australia, with work already completed at 14.
Tragically, about 100 accidents occur at rail crossings every year.
Never before has the Federal Government had a program dedicated to improving safety and preventing accidents at level crossings. This investment will not only improve road safety but also support local jobs and local businesses during the current global recession.
Nationally, our $150 million Boom Gates for Rail Crossings Program is funding the installation of boom gates and other safety measures at 292 level crossings.