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The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has announced two key appointments for projects pivotal to driving Australia’s new rail freight future, the Inland Rail and Advanced Train Management System (ATMS) projects, ARTC CEO John Fullerton said today.
Mr Peter Winder has been appointed Executive General Manager, Major Projects, and willbe responsible for overseeing the delivery of both the construction elements of the InlandRail project, funded by the Australian Government, and the roll-out of ATMS.
“Inland Rail is the priority freight rail infrastructure project for the Australian Government andPeter’s appointment is another step toward getting this project shovel ready and underwayas soon as possible,” Mr Fullerton said.
“When complete, this new freight corridor will allow industry to readily move freight to majordomestic and international markets more efficiently and open up new opportunities forregional Australian communities along the route,” Mr Fullerton said.
Mr Winder brings to the role over 25 years of rail experience across a diverse range ofprojects which have contributed to growing rail industry capacity and expanding the railnetwork in Australia.
Mr Winder joined O’Donnell Griffin in 2008 as the Novo Rail Alliance General Managerbefore being appointed as Chief Executive of O’Donnell Griffin Rail in 2012.
“Peter has general management experience in both public and private sector environmentsand a track record in delivering results,” Mr Fullerton said.
Prior to O’Donnell Griffin, Peter worked for FreightCorp and Pacific National, most recentlyas divisional general manager responsible for the Hunter Valley coal and other bulk railoperations across the Pacific National business.
In progressing the Inland Rail project Mr Winder will be initially responsible for:
Moree to the Port of Brisbane;
ARTC has also announced the internal appointment of Brad Moorhouse as Project Directorof the Advanced Train Management System project, Mr Fullerton said.
Mr Moorhouse has been project delivery manager of ATMS since 2012, successfully closingout the Proof of Concept Phase.
“Brad will be responsible for moving ATMS into the implementation phase, starting with a series of live trials before moving to revenue service operation of this innovative system.
“These two appointments will help equip ARTC to deliver on two exciting projects that both have the potential to deliver a step change for rail freight in this country,” Mr Fullerton said.
ARTC undertook an executive search to identify potential candidates along with identifying a number of internal candidates for the roles.
Mr Winder started in the role in January.
Further appointments relating to both projects are underway.