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- ARTC welcomes NSW Government investment in Fixing Country Rail projects
- Opportunity for NSW Farmers to maximise opportunity presented by Inland Rail
Cuts to farmers’ supply chain costs as a result of the NSW Government’s investment in 11 major freight rail improvements will only be boosted by Inland Rail, ARTC CEO John Fullerton said today.
“We welcome the NSW Government’s announcement this week which will reduce transport costs and boost supply chain efficiencies for regional farmers and producers,” Mr Fullerton said.
“Importantly, these investments also allow farmers to get the most out of linkages into the Inland Rail project and connections into the national transport network.”
With many of the NSW Government’s Fixing Country Rail projects either connecting into the Inland Rail line and national interstate rail network, or ARTC’s high tonnage Hunter Valley rail corridor, farmers are set to realise significant savings.
“The Inland Rail line provides a high capacity ‘spine’ that regional and branch rail lines connect into. The NSW Government investment helps regional farmers, producers and agribusiness get the most out of those connections with longer, heavier trains capable of hauling more freight, more efficiently.
“Much like the Hume, Pacific, New England or Newell Highways underpin interstate freight movements travelling by road; Inland Rail also provides that highly efficient, inter-capital trunk rail line for farmers to access domestic and export markets.
“The investment by the NSW Government will allow more goods to be moved by rail, and by boosting rail capacity, connections and loading improvements it will reduce costs and cut delivery times.
“Rail presents the best opportunity for farmers and regional producers to reduce their supply chain costs and every dollar back into the regional economy is an opportunity to reinvest in farms, support local industries and create jobs,” Mr Fullerton said.
“As Inland Rail will improve connections with regional and local rail and road networks and provide a cheaper, long distance transport network to road – farmers will reap end-to-end supply chain improvements when coupled with the Fixing Country Rail projects. This makes our farmers more competitive on the world stage.
“The difference is that while road has three major interstate highways connecting our major east coast cities and ports, rail only has one – which makes the case for Inland Rail all the more critical.”
The NSW Government’s $137 million investment will help move thousands of truck movements of freight off country roads, which will also bring significant cost savings to regional Councils road maintenance bill, as well as road safety and environmental benefits.
Media contact: Bas Bolyn, ARTC, 0477 340 658
Find out how ARTC has been working with regional producers and farmers in North West NSW to realise significant supply chain savings through rail at: