Rail Safety Worker Competence

If you’re going to work in our rail corridors, you’ll need to know the rail industry worker roles and relevant competencies. Please follow the steps below to ensure you’re up to date with your requirements.


If you’re a contractor, make sure you know whether you need a Rail Industry Worker card.

Rail Industry Worker (RIW) is a national competency and safety management system for rail workers in the Australian rail industry. It provides a single electronic record of your health, education and competencies as you work across projects, move between employers and operate on different state networks.


To apply for a Rail Industry Worker card, go to www.riw.net.au (Please note: this is an independent company managing the national rail industry worker competence system)

Approved medical providers are also found on the Rail Industry Worker website: https://www.riw.net.au/authorised-health-professionals/


For specific ARTC requirements please read the document below about working in ARTC rail corridors and the protocol for entering ARTC rail corridors.


Select the category of rail safety work you intend to do from the list below.

To identify training organisations who are approved by ARTC to deliver Safeworking, Track & Civil, Structures and Network Control, refer the following document.

For all other courses, refer to:


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