This page refers to RIW Structures roles.
Structures at ARTC incorporates role related to examining and inspecting infrastructure and the repair and maintenance of those structures.
Identify the role and requirements from the Structures matrix
Add your role to your RIW profile:
Upload into RIW evidence to meet the role requirements. Structures roles include:
Role | Description |
Structures Repairer | Carry out construction work, including any associated tasks, on concrete, steel and/or timber structures as per scope of work and to ensure delivery of high quality workmanship to satisfaction of superintendent. |
Visual Structures Inspector | Conduct mandatory systematic inspection, examination, condition monitoring and functional checks and take appropriate action to ensure structures are in a safe operational condition, including recording and reporting of defective structures to maintain a valid bridge management system. |
Engineering Structures Inspector | Conduct mandatory systematic inspections, condition monitoring, functional checks, update inventories and take appropriate action to ensure structures are in a safe “FIT FOR PURPOSE’ operational condition, including recording and reporting of defects in structures to maintain a valid bridge management system. |
Important Information:
- For Structures Design refer the Engineering Design and Project Management Matrix
- For Trade competencies refer to the National Trade Matrix
If further Clarification is required contact an ARTC Representative here: