Australian Rail Track Corporation 2012 Annual Report - page 30

The HVCCC, established by industry
participants to co-ordinate planning and
operation of the coal chain, has entered
its third year of operation. Long term
staffing arrangements and provision of
IT, modelling, planning and monitoring
systems are now fully established and the
HVCCC has recently occupied a purpose
designed facility adjacent to ARTC
network control.
With coal chain demand forecast to
reach volumes of over 200 million
tonnes per annum by 2014, planning and
review of daily operations in a high train
environment has commenced.
During June 2012, Phase 1 of the
Integrated Live Run Team commenced
operation. This co-located team consists
of representatives from the ARTC, Port
Waratah Coal Services, HVCCC and rail
operators. The team works together to
address operational issues along any part
of the coal chain to minimise disruptions
and provides feedback to industry on how
the system is functioning.
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