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Committed to keeping the Hunter rail system ahead of capacity needs of the coal industry, the Australian Rail Track Corporation is implementing a strategy of rail line improvements, CEO David Marchant said today.
“The design and construction of the Minimbah Bank Third Track near Singleton is a key component in meeting the objectives of meeting the growing demand for system capacity by the coal industry in the Hunter.”
“The project will involve laying 10.8km of new track, including three new rail underbridges, the replacement and re-alignment of the Golden Highway overbridge and improvements to the Range Road level crossing.”
“ARTC believes the Third Track project will reduce the headway of coal trains by eight minutes and increase the line capacity to 165 mtpa by September 2009.”
“As part of the project, ARTC has formally lodged an application with the State Government to commence Stage Three which involves detailed design and enabling works to commence.”