Request A Train Path

Short Term Path Application (Ad Hoc paths)

All short term applications, other than heritage, should be applied for through DTPOS. For assistance, contact the relevant programming centre.

Mile End Network Programmers
Junee Programmers

Long Term Path Application (Contracted/Permanent Path)

To request a long term path, the application form must be completed in full and submitted via email to the Long Term Planning Team Leader by an accredited operator.

Ian Sarich

The application is then assessed and discussed as required. Once the path has been mutually accepted, it will be contracted via an addendum to the access agreement.

Heritage Path Application (Heritage Passenger Services)

To request a path for a Heritage service, the application form OPE-FM-046 Request for a Heritage Train Path Form must be completed in full by an accredited operator and submitted using the following email address:

For further information about the process, refer to procedure OPE-PR-053 Heritage Train Path Requests.

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