
From 1st July 2023, ARTC will no longer enter contractual arrangements with or accept new vendors for the provision of goods and services from organisations who operate as a Trust entity (except in exceptional circumstances). The legal structure of Trusts creates commercial risks for ARTC that do not arise when contracting with ordinary companies, for example Pty Limited.

If you operate as a Trust, as of the 1st July 2023, your business will be unable to register as a new vendor or be awarded contracts with ARTC (except in exceptional circumstances).

Future ARTC procurement activities will continue to require organisations to provide details of their proposed corporate entity vehicle. Where this is identified as a Trust, ARTC will contact you and discuss your submission.

Where an existing ARTC agreement is in place for your organisation which is a Trust, this will continue as normal until the contract expiry. Your ARTC Contract Manager will be in contact with you prior to the agreements expiry to discuss the next steps and options.

Who can I talk to for more information: For more information, please contact us at or contact your ARTC Procurement Lead.

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