This page refers to all RIW Track and Civil roles.
Track and Civil at ARTC incorporates roles around the preparation, installation, monitoring, repair and maintenance of railway infrastructure.
NOTE: Many ARTC Track and Civil roles have been removed from the ARTC matrix. You can now find these roles on the National Track and Civil Matrix found at the Australasian Rail Association (ARA) website:
NOTE: Some National Track and Civil Roles will require you to have the prerequisite role. You can find these requirements in the ARTC Track and Civil Matrix below.
Identify specific role and requirements from the ARTC Track and Civil matrix.
NOTE: Matrix identifies minimum requirements. Compliance with these requirements does not mean competence across entire network. Local requirements may still be required.
Add your role to your RIW profile:
Upload into RIW evidence to meet the role requirements. Track and Civil roles include:
Role | Description |
Track inspector/ examiner/ certifier | Examine track and right of way infrastructure including preparing for examination, examining track and right of way, analysing examination results, and reporting findings. |
Track Maintainer | Implement track maintenance, conduct mandatory systematic inspection, examination, condition monitoring and functional checks on the rail infrastructure and take appropriate action to ensure rail infrastructure is in a safe operational condition, including recording and reporting of defective infrastructure to maintain a valid defect recording system. |
Rail Welder | Rail welder encompasses several roles including: aluminothermic, flashbutt, and Hedkote. This category also includes heat & cut materials using oxy-LPG equipment |
Rail Adjuster | Adjust rail in accordance with safeworking and regulatory requirements and workplace procedures. It includes identifying and determining the requirements for rail adjustment, undertaking rail adjustment, and completing all required documentation. |
Ultrasonic Tester Track | Involves test plain rail and field welds using ultrasonic equipment. It includes determining test requirements, conducting testing using hand directed equipment, conducting visual examination and measurement of welds, identifying and classifying defects, and completing all required documentation. |
Ultrasonic Tester turnouts | Includes above role requirements as well as: test switches, crossings and other special components in turnouts using ultrasonic and other nondestructive testing equipment. It includes determining test requirements, conducting ultrasonic testing using hand directed equipment, and conducting nondestructive testing. |
Earthworks Supervisor | Supervise the installation and repair rail of earthworks in accordance with safeworking, regulatory and organisational requirements. It includes determining job requirements, undertaking trenching, establishing track formation and minor trackside earthworks, and completing documentation in accordance with specifications. |
Turnout Constructor | Requires the skills and knowledge to implement turnout construction activities including planning work, implementing construction, dealing with maintenance and construction problems. |
Ballast Unloader | Requires the skills and knowledge to carry out ballast unloading |
Track Constructor | Requires the skills and knowledge to implement construction activities including planning work, implementing construction, dealing with maintenance and construction problems. |
Track Construction Certifier | The Track Construction Certifier must be able to identify and measure both scope of work and quality of track construction work. Requires the knowledge and skill to identify the relevant construction specification and determine whether the track meets that specification and standard. It includes knowledge of the Inspection and Test Plan processes and to understand when hold points and witness points are required. In addition the certifier needs to know the maintenance standards for the track so that any outstanding work can be defined with the appropriate train operating restriction until all remedial work is completed. |
Rail Lube Maintainer | Requires the skills and knowledge to install and service rail lubrication equipment, install lubrication equipment, servicing and monitoring, removing lubrication equipment, and completing all required documentation |
Fence Installer and maintainer | Requires the skills and knowledge to install and repair fences and gates, selecting and preparing the materials, clearing and excavating the site, digging the required holes, installing the components, performing any required repairs and maintenance of the fences and/or gates, and completing required documentation. |
Rail Labourer | This is a generic role and requires the skills and knowledge to undertake a large range of tasks involved in the rail industry. |
Resurfacing – Track Measurer | Undertake measurement and marking of track for resurfacing operations. It includes identifying and marking track obstructions, using appropriate measurement tools to measure the range of geometry elements, calculating recording and marking data for resurfacing operations, and recording and reporting of results. |
Important Information
- The Around The Track Personnel (ATTP) role no longer sits with ARTC
- Refer ARA National for the Around The Track Personnel (ATTP) role at
If further Clarification is required contact an ARTC Representative here: