Our Projects

Southern Highlands Overtaking Opportunities

The Southern Highlands Overtaking Opportunities project involves the construction of two new rail crossovers – one at Werai (south of Moss Vale) and a second at Joppa Junction (south of Goulburn) in NSW.

The project aims to reduce transit times for Melbourne to Sydney freight trains and improve the flexibility and reliability of freight and passenger services.

Construction is underway, with the project due for completion in early 2026.

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Network Investment Program

In 2024, we developed a Network Investment Program in collaboration with our Shareholder, industry and customers, focusing on new capital investments and accelerated asset replacement. The program includes:

  • Culvert and track upgrades that will reduce the risk of lengthy network outages due to flooding.
  • Track rehabilitation between Sydney and Albury that will reduce transit times through the removal of Temporary Speed Restrictions and improve ride quality.
  • Crossing loop extensions and new passing loops that will enable longer (1,800-metre) trains to operate between the east and west coasts of Australia.
  • Signalling upgrades between Melbourne and Adelaide to address the most prominent cause of operational delays on one of the country’s busiest rail freight corridors.
  • Upgrade of the Portland Line to help facilitate the growth of the critical minerals sector.

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Inland Rail

Inland Rail Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary company of ARTC, is the delivery vehicle for the Inland Rail project. Visit the project website.

Recently Completed Projects

Botany Rail Duplication

The Botany Rail Duplication was commissioned in early 2024 following successful duplication of the remaining 2.9km section of single line track between Mascot and Port Botany in NSW.

Following completion of the project, freight is moving more efficiently and there’s now increased capacity on the Botany Line and wider Metropolitan Freight Network. Read more.

*Visit the project site that was established during planning and construction.

Cabramatta Loop Project

The Cabramatta Loop Project was commissioned in early 2024 following the successful construction of a new 1.65km loop track adjacent to the existing track to allow freight trains to pass and overtake each other.

Following completion of the project, capacity has increased on the Southern Sydney Freight Line to support future growth in rail freight demand. Read more.

*Visit the project site that was established during planning and construction.

Narrabri to Turrawan Line Upgrade

The Narrabri to Turrawan Line Upgrade was completed in November 2024 following the upgrade of 35km of track between ARTC’s Hunter Valley network and the future interface with Inland Rail at Narrabri North.

Following completion of the project, there’s now a consistent rail corridor in the region that allows 25 Tonne Axle Load trains, enabling increased freight volumes. Read more.

*Visit the project site that was established during planning and construction.



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