Budget 2010 Project Snapshot

The Federal Government has announced that it would invest $1 billion into Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) to build on existing investment strategies and deliver productivity benefits to the overall economy through investment in transport infrastructure. This equity injection supplements the previous Nation Building investment of $1.2 billion made by the Australian Government under the Nation Building Economic Stimulus Package in 2008.

Summary of Projects

ARTC has identified key projects which can be brought on-line quickly and provide productivity improvements for the economy in the transport sector and economic stimulus in 2010.

The new program of works is targeted to deliver:

  • Improvements to economic productivity within the transport sector.
  • Environmental benefits, particularly through reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Enhancements to the performance of rail transport.
  • Strong employment outcomes from the dollars invested.

Identified works have an ability to ramp-up quickly, with a target of material employment benefits within six months. The key program characteristics are:

  • Total Investment – $1 billion
  • 13,135 months of employment
  • 218,257 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved

Below is a summary of the projects that will be brought forward and undertaken as part of the investment provided by the government.

North – South Corridor


  • 44 minute transit time reduction northbound and 35 minute reduction southbound between Melbourne and Brisbane
  • Reduced congestion in the NSW Southern Highlands, giving greater reliability and timetable flexibility
  • Reduced maintenance and train operating costs
  • Enable increase in axle load to 25 tonnes at 80km/h or 23 tonnes at 100km/h on the Sydney – Melbourne corridor


  1. North Coast Curve Easing
    The program eases tight curves at 58 discrete sites on the North Coast. It aims to achieve significant improvement in transit time through minor adjustments to the track, largely within the existing land corridor.
  2. Goulburn, Moss Vale and Glenlee Double Track Passing Loops
    To provide passing loops on the double-track between Yass and Southern Sydney to facilitate overtaking moves.
  3. Rerailing Albury – Melbourne – Geelong
    To rerail 239 track km of 47 kg/m rail in new 60 kg/m rail and upgrade deficient bridges and turnouts.

East – West Corridor


  • Enable increase in axle load to 25 tonnes at 80km/h or 23 tonnes at 100km/h on the Whyalla – Sydney corridor
  • Reduced maintenance and train operating costs
  • Reduced damage to goods in transit
  • Elimination of temporary speed restrictions from heat issues
  • A 35 minute reduction in transit time between Melbourne – Adelaide
  • Speed increase from 90 km/h to 100 km/h at 23 tonnes axle loads and reduce congestion between Koolyanobbing and Kalgoorlie


  1. Resleepering of Broken Hill – Parkes
    To complete concrete resleepering of the main line interstate network with the resleepering of 691 kms of track (1,040,000 sleepers).
  2. Rerailing of Whyalla – Broken Hill and Parkes – Cootamundra
    To rerail 794 track km of 47 kg/m rail in new 60 kg/m rail to increase speed/axle loads.
  3. Gheringhap – Maroona Passing Loops
    To construct 4 new passing loops between Gheringhap and Maroona, providing immediate capacity gains and working towards the introduction of 1800m train in this corridor.
  4. Koolyanobbing-Kalgoorlie Capacity Upgrade
    Improvement in axle loads and speeds of services in the Kalgoorlie to Koolyanobbing section, through a combination of additional loops and rerailing in heavier rail.

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