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Commissioning of ETTT further strengthens freight rail value for business
The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has applauded the commissioning of the Epping to Thornleigh Third Track (ETTT) project and welcomed the further freight productivity it delivers for Australian businesses.
Commissioning of the ETTT completes the vitally important Northern Sydney Freight Corridor program, which provides a massive boost to rail freight capacity and reliability through Sydney.
“We would like to commend the Australian and NSW Governments for funding this important infrastructure, which increases rail freight capacity by around 50 per cent through Northern Sydney – critical to supporting a growing and prosperous Sydney,” ARTC’s Acting CEO Andrew Bishop said.
ARTC would also like to commend the ETTT Alliance that delivered this important project comprising Transport for NSW, Leighton Contractors and Abigroup.
“The program is in all respects a ‘no brainer’ – the NSFC will help make freight costs more competitive, reduce fuel use and carbon emissions and improve passenger and freight rail reliability,” Mr Bishop said.
The new track separates northbound freight from all-stops passenger train movements along the steep incline between Epping and Thornleigh.
“Increasing the capacity and reliability on rail freight operations through Sydney further supports the growing demand for interstate freight options between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane – our three largest cities and commercial centres.”
Now complete, the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor complements the Southern Sydney Freight Line – a dedicated rail freight only line through South West Sydney, opened by ARTC in early 2013.
“This new infrastructure supports the significant private investment being committed across Sydney in intermodal terminals and other associated rail freight infrastructure – demonstrating the value and growth businesses see in rail freight across NSW,” said Mr Bishop.
The NSFC is estimated to remove more than 200,000 heavy vehicle road trips per year within 15 years. It will also reduce diesel use by almost 40 million litres and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 100,000 tonnes each year.
Media Contact: Bas Bolyn, 0477 340 658