The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has moved a step closer to starting construction on the upgrade of approximately 35 kilometres of track between Narrabri and Turrawan in north western New South Wales, with the approval of the Review of Environmental Factors for the project. The Review of Environmental Factors along with a Submissions Report, are now available for the public to view at
The Submissions Report contains public submissions on the planned upgrade and addresses key issues raised from the Review of Environment Factors (REF) which was on public exhibition earlier this year in April.
ARTC has already completed project development activities including geotechnical investigations, track alignment, survey, and constructability assessments on the Narrabri to Turrawan Line Upgrade (N2TLU), which involves the upgrade of the track between the existing Hunter Valley network and the planned Inland Rail track.
The upgrade will be delivered from Narrabri Coal Junction at Whitehaven Coal, south of Turrawan, to the future interface with Inland Rail at Narrabri North with construction expected to begin later this year.
ARTC will continue to update the community as work on the upgrade progresses.
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