Students get on track to explore rail careers

ARTC was proud to be involved in the inaugural ‘Get on Track’ careers day in support of the next generation of rail workers.

Held earlier this month in Toronto, NSW, the event was conducted in partnership with The Instruction Company (TIC) Rail and the NSW Department of Education through its Regional Industry Education Partnerships program.

Around 45 high school students from across the Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter Valley attended the hands-on event, which included a focus on safety and protection work, as well as sessions about signal operation and sleeper replacement.

“The first Get on Track event was such a wonderful experience,” said ARTC’s Jenna Chandler, Manager National Training, who was joined on the day by Pathways Coordinator Jye Charlton Brennan, Signals Coordinator Adam Lever, Project Engineer Hugh Manners, Work Group Leader Civil Ben Wallace, and Signal Apprentice Charli House.

“Many thanks to those who represented ARTC and shared stories and experiences about working in rail. And some of the school kids were absolute train enthusiasts themselves, so they were able to teach us a few things about rail too!

“We’re looking forward to building on the success of the event and showcasing to more young people the awesome career opportunities that exist in the rail industry.”

'Get on Track' careers day - Toronto, NSW
‘Get on Track’ careers day – Toronto, NSW.

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