Sustainable practices deliver savings – and awards!

ARTC’s Botany Rail Duplication and Cabramatta Loop Projects have both achieved ‘Excellent’ Design and As Built ratings by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC).

Working with John Holland to complete the Botany Rail Duplication, we were able to achieve a 29% reduction in carbon emissions over the life of the project. This was accomplished through various initiatives, including the purchase of green electricity, the use of an innovative high strength concrete batch plant instead of importing concrete mixes, and the use of on-site biodiesel tanks to re-fuel construction vehicles.

Meanwhile, working with Fulton Hogan we were able to sustainably deliver the Cabramatta Loop Project, including maximum on-site re-use of construction components. Materials generated during the project – such as concrete waste, excavated spoil, ballast and rail materials – were re-used on-site, helping avoid 900 additional truck movements on local roads and 36 tonnes of carbon emissions, as well as cost savings of almost $1.5 million!

“These results are the culmination of more than four years of effort from designers, engineers and other staff to achieve ARTC’s first ISC ratings for internally delivered projects,” said ARTC’s Richard Tang, Senior Project Manager.

Alison Wedgwood, Environment Manager, added: “I’m so proud these major projects have received this recognition for the social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits we’ve been able to deliver,” she said. “It was only possible through a huge amount of work and collaboration between the ARTC project team and our principal contractors.”

(L-R) Diego Uzzun - ISC Case Manager, Justin Barrett - John Holland Design Manager, Alison Wedgwood – ARTC Environment Manager, Rachael Labruyere - John Holland Environment Manager, Ann Azzopardi - Sustainability Consultant.
(L-R) Diego Uzzun – ISC Case Manager, Justin Barrett – John Holland Design Manager, Alison Wedgwood – ARTC Environment Manager, Rachael Labruyere – John Holland Environment Manager, Ann Azzopardi – Sustainability Consultant.

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