Kankool Derailment: Update #3
Monday 16 February
The task of removing the locomotives and 19 wagons from the Kankool (NSW) site is well underway.
The first wagon was lifted off the site this afternoon and heavy lift cranes are planned to continue working through the night.
The front and back sections of the train have also left the site.
While full traffic control is in place on a 24-hour basis, ARTC would like to ask motorists to continue to take care, particularly as heavy vehicle movements will be entering and exiting the site transporting materials and machinery.
We thank the community for their patience and understanding while the work is underway. Our focus is on resuming rail operations for our customers as quickly and safely as possible.
The forecast to return services by late Friday 20 February remains, however, we will continue to assess this as recovery and repair works progress.
Media Contact: Bas Bolyn – 0477 340 658