The Australian Rail Track Corporation has signed a contract worth more than $650 million with joint-venture Trans4m Rail to construct the next section of Inland Rail between Narrabri and North Star (N2NS).
The joint-venture between John Holland and SEE Civil will see the upgrade of approximately 171km of existing track between Narrabri and North Star – known as N2NS Phase 1. The contract signals the next major milestone for the nationally significant infrastructure project covering more than 1700km between Melbourne and Brisbane.
ARTC Inland Rail Chief Executive Officer Richard Wankmuller said today’s announcement would bring a new wave of enthusiasm to Moree and Narrabri – the two major centres of this section of alignment.
“Last month we finished the first section of Inland Rail between Parkes and Narromine spending nearly $110 million with local businesses on that section and creating jobs for more than 760 locals who worked on the project,” Mr Wankmuller said.
“Parkes Mayor Ken Keith enthusiastically encouraged the remaining centres on the alignment to get behind this once-in-a-generation project based on his experiences with Inland Rail and the transformation it is facilitating in his region,” he said.
“Inland Rail is a game changer for regional Australia. Not just in the jobs that it will bring to the region during construction, but through creating world-class infrastructure to facilitate the movement of freight around the country and get local products to market in a more efficient, streamlined manner.”
Mr Wankmuller said Inland Rail had been consulting with key stakeholders – landholders, businesses and local government – for some time on how Inland Rail would benefit those on the N2NS alignment.
“Over the past 18 months there has been 341,225 sleepers from Mittagong and Wagga Wagga and 24,775 tonnes of Whyalla steel delivered to the alignment in preparation for works to start. Construction is expected to deliver more than 500 jobs to the area and will help our national economy rebuild in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.
“I know there is a lot of enthusiasm being generated in Moree and Narrabri as businesses get “Inland Rail” ready ahead of the start of works. Now that we have engaged Trans4m Rail for the project it signals to the local community that this is real and will be starting soon.
“The construction activity will bring opportunities for businesses to participate in delivering the work, but there will also be a positive flow-on effect for motels, retailers, cafes and restaurants through to a range of service providers who will reap the benefits of the project.”
Trans4M Rail’s Project Director Jon Holmes said in partnership with ARTC, we look forward to delivering this significant piece of infrastructure as part of the national freight network.
“As Trans4m Rail, we will continue our integration with the local communities along with establishing long-term business relationships, while embracing local knowledge, skills and resources to deliver the best outcomes for all,” Mr Holmes said.
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Media contact: Chris Leslight | Mobile 0427 691 262
Editor’s please note: This section has been divided into two portions (Phase 1 and Phase 2) allowing for timely delivery of construction work and further analysis of complex design and hydrology investigations between Moree and Camurra (Phase 2) and will require a new environmental approval process. The remaining 171km upgrade progresses on schedule and will be known as Phase 1. This media release is referring to the Phase 1 section of works.
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