Hunter Valley maintenance shutdown critical for rail network

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) will carry out a major maintenance shutdown of the Hunter Valley Network from Newcastle to Ulan and Narrabri from Tuesday, April 4 through to Thursday, April 6, 2023.

ARTC Group Executive Hunter Valley Wayne Johnson said the shutdown is required to upgrade level crossings and carry out maintenance works to maintain a safe, reliable network.

“During this maintenance shutdown we will be working from Newcastle to Narrabri and as far west as Ulan. The work ranges from important level crossing upgrades and bridge maintenance through to general upkeep so the network continues to operate efficiently,” Mr Johnson said.

“We will have 120 separate maintenance jobs to complete such as track resurfacing at the level crossings in Liverpool Street and Common Road in Scone, which will require temporary controls and detours,” he said.

“Motorists may want to consider their detours when planning a journey. McAdam Street/Rouchel Road in Aberdeen will also be closed from 6pm Wednesday night to 6am Thursday morning. These works will make the crossings safer and smoother for vehicles, pedestrians and trains to use.

“While freight services and passenger services will be stopped, we ask motorists to remain vigilant and slow down at level crossings during the shutdown as there will be machinery and other movements on the rail line.

“We want to reassure the community these works will be completed as safely and efficiently as possible. The work will start from around 6:30am on Tuesday, April 4 and is expected to be completed around 8:30pm on Thursday, April 6.

“We apologise for any disruption or inconvenience and thank the community for its support and patience while these essential works are taking place.”

Alternative bus services will be provided for impacted passenger services, and details and schedules can be found at the Transport NSW website. Information on road closures and alternative routes can be found at

Up to date information regarding any changes to these works can be found here: Track Work – ARTC and for additional information please can contact ARTC’s Enviroline on 1300 550 402.


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