
This page refers to all RIW Safeworking roles.

Safeworking at ARTC identifies, categorises and records the roles and responsibilities of rail safety workers that are competent to undertake the safe management of rail traffic ensuring that safe separation is maintained between workers and machinery preventing workers from being struck by rail traffic. 


Ensure you have read the procedure RLS-PR-003 – Protocol for Entering the ARTC Rail Corridor and understand the key points from the procedure:

Identify the role and requirements from the Safeworking matrix

NOTE: Matrix identifies minimum requirements. Compliance with these requirements does not mean competence across entire network. Local requirements may still be required.

To identify training organisations that are approved by ARTC to deliver Safeworking training refer the following document:


Add your role to your RIW profile:


Upload Competency evidence into RIW to meet the role requirements.

Safeworking Competency Scheme – QLD and NSW ARTC Network (ARTC NSW Network Rules & Procedures)

Role Description / Permitted Activities
Handsignaller Level 1

  • Act as a Lookout
  • Act as an inner or outer handsignaller
  • Hand signal rail traffic at a worksite or within a possession


  • Cannot perform handsignalling activities at fixed signals or level crossings.

Level 2

  • Activities as prescribed for handsignaller level 1
  • Act as an inner or outer handsignaller at a fixed signal
  • Act as a handsignaller at defective signals
  • Pilot rail traffic into, within and out of a possession area
  • Handsignal at level crossings
  • Act as a handsignaller at a Block Post
Protection Officer Level 1

  • Assess risks.
  • Identify level of protection required.
  • Implement Lookout Working.
  • Implement Absolute Signal Blocking (ASB).
  • Act as a Lookout.

Level 2

  • Activities as prescribed for Protection Officer Level 1.
  • Implement a TOA.
  • Arrange for track vehicles or work trains to enter the limits of a TOA.
  • Obtain the staff in token sections for a TOA.
  • Obtain the half pilot staff for a TOA.

Level 3

  • Activities prescribed for Handsignaller Level 2.
  • Activities prescribed for Protection Officer Level 2.
  • Implement a Track Work Authority (TWA).
  • Obtain an X, Y, Z key.
  • Act as the designated Protection Officer to coordinate the passage of rail traffic through multiple worksites.
  • Arrange protection for Type F level crossings when track circuits are affected.

Level 4

  • Activities prescribed for Protection Officer Level 3.
  • Implement a Local Possession Authority (LPA).
  • Arrange for work trains to enter the limits of a TOA or an LPA.
Track Vehicle Operator
  • Operate a track vehicle outside and within the limits of a protected worksite
  • Competent in signs and signal recognition


  • Not permitted to implement any form of protection as a TVO unless qualified and competent in relevant safeworking role (i.e. cannot obtain a Track Occupancy Authority (TOA) for the purpose of traveling a track vehicle unless holds a current Protection Officer Level 2 qualification also)
  • Must be qualified and competent or accompanied by a qualified worker competent to perform safeworking duties as per the system of safeworking required.
  • Must be certified to the system of safeworking applicable in use in the area in which they are operating or accompanied by a crew member competent in the relevant system of safeworking when operating a track vehicle as a train)
Role Description / Permitted Activities
Safeworking Level 1

  • Activities prescribed for a Handsignaller Level 2.
  • Operate groundframes.
  • Operate signalling equipment at unattended locations.
  • Operate on authority of a Special Proceed Authority (SPA).
  • Transfer track vehicles as a train


  • Must be certified to the system of safeworking in use in the area in which they are operating.

Level 2

  • Activities prescribed for Safeworking Level 1.
  • Switch in and operate local control panels.
  • Cut in and operate signal boxes.
  • Introduce and supervise Pilot Staff Working.


  • Must be competent in the system of safeworking applicable in use in the area in which they are operating.

Safeworking Competency Scheme – Defined Interstate Network (ARTC Code of Practice) – South Australia, Western Australia (East of Kalgoorlie), Victoria (west of Dimboola Loop) and NSW (South of Broken Hill).

Role Description / Permitted Activities
  • Act as a Lookout
  • Handsignal rail traffic at a worksite or within a possession
Track Worker Level 1

  • Assess risks
  • Identify the level of protection required
  • Act as a Lookout
  • Implement NAR.

Level 2

  • Activities as prescribed for Track Worker Level 1.
  • Pilot rail traffic into, within and out of a possession area
  • Implement Train Running Information (TRI) Worksite Only (Not for travel of light track equipment i.e. Road Rail Vehicle)
  • Implement Track Occupancy Authority (TOA).

Level 3

  • Activities as prescribed for Track Worker Level 2.
  • Implement Track Work Authority (TWA).
  • Obtain a Train Authority (TA) for operating track machines as a train.


  • Must be competent in the system of safeworking applicable in the area in which they are operating.
  • TRI Worksite Only (Not for travel of light track equipment i.e. Road Rail Vehicle)

Level 4

  • Activities as prescribed for Track Worker Level 3
  • Implement Local Possession (LP)
  • Arrange for work trains to enter the limits of an LP.


  • TRI Worksite Only (Not for travel of light track equipment i.e. Road Rail Vehicle)
Safeworking Level 1
  • Operate outlying switch locks.
  • Operate signalling equipment at unattended locations.
  • Switch in and operate local control panels.
  • Obtain a Train Authority (TA) for operating track machines as a train.
  • Transfer track vehicles as a train.


  • Must be competent in the system of safeworking applicable in the area in which they are operating.
Track Vehicle Operator
  • Operate a track vehicle outside the limits of a protected worksite
  • Obtain a TRI for the purpose of operating a road/rail vehicle
  • Obtain a Track Occupancy Authority (TOA) for the purpose of operating a track vehicle.
  • Obtain a Train Authority (TA) for the purpose of operating a track vehicle.


  • Must be competent in signal recognition.
  • Must be accompanied by a crew member qualified in the relevant system of safeworking when operating a track vehicle as a train.

Safeworking Competency Scheme – Victoria (TA20 – East of Dimboola Loop (Inclusive) to Albury (Exclusive)

Role Description / Permitted Activities
Track Protection – Lookout
  • Act as a Lookout
Track Protection – Handsignaller
  • Act as a Lookout
  • Act as an inner or outer handsignaller at a worksite
  • Handsignal rail traffic at a worksite or within a possession
  • Act as an inner or outer handsignaller at a fixed signal
  • Act as a handsignaller at defective signals
  • Handsignal at level crossings (Crossing Keeper)
Track Force Protection Coordinator Level 1

  • Assess risks
  • Identify the level of protection required
  • Act as a lookout
  • Act as an inner or outer handsignaller
  • Handsignal rail traffic at a worksite or within a possession
  • Handsignal at level crossings (Crossing Keeper)
  • Implement Lookout Working

Level 2

  • Activities as prescribed for Track Force Protection Coordinator Level 1.
  • Implement Track Warrant Working
  • Implement Track Force Protection – Country Regions
  • Pilot track vehicles into, within and out of a Track Warrant.
  • Implement Absolute Signal Blocking

Level 3

  • Activities as prescribed for Track Force Protection Coordinator Level 2.
  • Implement Absolute Occupation of a Running Line
  • Coordinating on track machines into, within and out a section
  • Operate a road/rail vehicle outside the limits of a protected worksite
  • Pilot trains into, within and out of an Absolute Occupation
  • Obtain permission for the purpose of operating a road/rail vehicle.
Track Vehicle Operator
  • Assess risks
  • Identify the level of protection required
  • Implement Lookout Working
  • Implement Absolute Signal Blocking
  • Implement Track Warrant Working
  • Pilot track vehicles into, within and out of a Track Warrant.
  • Obtain permission for the purpose of operating a road/rail vehicle.
  • Operate a road rail vehicle outside the limits of a protected worksite
  • Obtain an Authority for the purpose of driving a road/rail vehicle.


  • Must be certified to the system of safeworking applicable in use in the area in which they are operating.
  • Must be competent in signal recognition.
Safeworking Level 1

  • Operate switch locked sidings.
  • Operate signalling equipment at unattended locations.
  • Operate on authority of a Train Authority.
  • Transfer track vehicles as a train
  • Switch in and operate local control panels.
  • Cut in and operate signal boxes.


  • Must be certified to the system of safeworking applicable in use in the area in which they are operating.

Important Information

If further clarification is required contact an ARTC representative here: or

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