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Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd (ARTC) today launched in Adelaide its inaugural Mentoring Programme, Evolution 2006, to develop the careers of rail’s future leaders and stem the flow of outgoing knowledge and experience from the rail industry.
“With an ageing workforce, ARTC can expect to lose one third of our workforce in the next decade, just when rail is undergoing regeneration nationally with its market share predicted to grow substantially in the next ten years.” Geoff Atkinson, General Manager of Corporate Services at ARTC said.
“Rail is facing tough competition from other industries to attract and retain workers. Programmes such as Evolution 2006 provide an excellent forum to recognise and retain the wealth of knowledge and experience of our older workers, provide greater job satisfaction and to nurture the careers of outstanding talent at ARTC.”
“Evolution 2006 will reinforce that a career in rail plays an important role in Australia ‘s fast growing land transport and logistics industry.” Geoff Atkinson said.
Twenty-one mentorees have been matched with a range of mentors from both within ARTC and external to the rail industry from sectors such as utilities, services and logistics.
Mr Atkinson launched Evolution 2006 today with guest speakers including Bryan Nye, Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and Daryll Hull, Director of the Transport and Logistics Centre (TALC).
TALC has provided part funding for Evolution 2006 with the findings of the programme to be made available for the benefit of the transport and logistics sector.
“ARTC’s mentoring program will bring together ARTC workers from across our interstate national network and provide an opportunity for monthly sharing and discussion.” said Jenny McAuliffe , ARTC’s representative on the ARA Rails Skills and Career Council.
“ARTC’s new mentoring programme acknowledges the value of the effort and achievements of its employees but recognises that future creativity, innovation and success of ARTC rests on the development of imagination, knowledge and drive of its employees.” Jenny McAuliffe said.
ARTC achievements in recent times include exceeding the monthly and daily records in export coal tonnage carried in the Hunter Valley , its work teams having scored major track maintenance awards and a nine per cent increase in freight volumes carried on its East West network.
Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd (ARTC), has responsibility for over 10,000kms of standard gauge interstate track in South Australia , Victoria , Western Australia in New South Wales including the Hunter Valley network. ARTC is headquartered at Mile End in Adelaide .
27 July 2006
Contact: Prue Regan ARTC 02 8259 0716 or 0419 297 004