Update 3: Restoration work has progressed well and the forecast has been revised forward to 6pm WST, 25 April for a return to services.
Transport safety investigators have conducted their investigations this morning and released the site back to the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) just after 11.15am (WST) to start repair and recovery work.
To return rail services as soon as safe and practical, we are building a 300m track deviation around the derailment site.
Heavy earthmoving equipment and other materials have started to arrive on site and initial works will involve building the formation for the track deviation.
Grading to prepare the track deviation has already started (see image attached).
While the derailment site is in a remote location, ballast supplies have been arranged and rail and sleepers available locally will be used to repair the track. The weather forecast currently remains positive.
Our preliminary forecast is to return train operations late Monday evening (WST), 25 April.
We would like to thank our customers for their patience while this critical repair work takes place and are focused on returning services as quickly and safely as possible.
Further updates will be provided as required over the weekend.
Media Contact: Bas Bolyn – 0477 340 658