Management of Weather Events

Weather forecasting plays an important role in the day-to-day decision-making of ARTC’s operational teams.

In partnership with Weatherzone, forecasts and weather alerts help our teams better manage weather-related risks to trains on our network and to maintenance and construction works being undertaken.

Our operational teams have direct 24-hour access to Weatherzone meteorologists if further assistance is needed, while Weatherzone’s “Weatherguard” mobile app is also used by our employees and contractors to source real-time weather and forecasts, as well as lightning and fire proximity alerts based on GPS location.

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Driver Reporting in Extreme Wet Weather and Flooding Events

The purpose of this guideline is to support Rail Traffic Crews when confronted with extreme wet weather and/or flooding events, including:

  • observations, and
  • appropriate reporting, and
  • actions to be taken.

This guideline applies to all workers involved in the safe operation of ARTC Network, including Rail Traffic Crew, and Network Controllers.

In addition to the reporting recommendations stated within this guideline, all workers must comply with the reporting and responding requirements for conditions affecting the network as mandated by the respective Network Rules & Procedures.

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